Month: June 2013

  • Being Overweight and Getting Healthy as I Understand it

    I am not sure how I got so heavy, I have always walked and worked hard,
      I was always limber and strong and I kept busy , I ate fairly well.
    I never drank soft drinks, ate chocolate or candy
    or had much of a sugar intake,
    I did however love, LOVE pasta!
    I remember hitting 200lbs when I was about 20 yrs old
    and thinking it was the worst thing ever.
    But I kept eating more than I needed
    and somewhere in my late 40′s I hit 300 lbs.
    I didn’t binge or even eat as much as most people I knew,
    my very slender aunt always said if she ate what I ate
    she would starve to death.
    I do have a hypothyroid and that is some of the problem
    but not to blame for all of it.
    A few yrs ago I was diagnosed with diabetes and put on Metformin,
    it was then that I cut out all sugar and limited pasta and bread.
    My cholesterol levels have always been very good.

    The bottom line was that I ate more than I needed.
    I ate too much of the wrong thing,I ate at the wrong times
    and I ate for the wrong reasons.
    I did not generally eat because I was hungry,
    I ate to keep unresolved issues repressed, I started doing that when I was 10
    and those issues did not surface until I stopped emotional eating.
    Slowly they surfaced ,one by one and I was able to work through them
    once I stopped emotional eating.
    I had to learn how my body felt when I was hungry and when I had enough,
    not when I was full because by that time I have eaten more than I need.
    With slow metabolism I do not need as much food as I want to eat.

    It isn’t only about dealing with the reasons for emotional eating and eating less,
    it’s about moving more and making changes that you can live with.
    sit less, walk more,
    drinking more water,
    finding a food plan that works for you
    and  a workout partner,
    it’s about a whole lot of other things I have yet to learn.
    After losing 90 lbs I am still overweight, I have another 70 lbs to lose.
     I bike 6 miles a day ,
    I got my glucose level to normal and am off of the Metformin
    I see a light at the end of the tunnel with this life long weight issue,
    it isn’t easy but I feel a lot better and I almost have ankles!

  • Pagoda, Local Landmark

    The city of Reading PA has a unique landmark that sits on the edge of a cliff
    620 feet above the city on Mt Penn. The Pagoda has been a familiar fixture
    since 1908 and can be seen for miles around.
    We went there last night just before sunset , here are a few photos.

    Sunset over the city of Reading

    I did a previous photo post HERE
    More Info about the Pagoda  HERE and HERE

  • phone photos from the beach

    All a boy needs at the beach is a bucket.

    stripes on the beach

    Nothing like a good beach read

    feet in the sand

    Beach Red

    On the way home, it was a beautiful day!

  • A beautiful morning

    We’re on the way to the Jersey shore for the day, as we were leaving our valley I took this picture with my phone because it was about the most beautiful morning I’ve ever seen .

  • Xanga Memoirs: Blog Rings

    My first Blog ring was @BB61‘s  Liberty Call Girls
    Andy is a World War II buff,
    he made banners for all the people who joined his group
    We all commented on his posts and back and forth with one another.
    This is the first banner that he made for me.


    My second Blog ring was the Den of Fools
    They were the most interactive Blog ring on Xanga.

    I also enjoyed writing and reading the works posted for
    the blog ring
    Grown-ups with Content WORTH being Featured

    Were you involved in a Blog ring?

  • Xanga Memoirs: Blog Addiction

    I have always been a social and communication junkie,
    Xanga became my favorite social outlet from my first post.
    I posted photos of my rural Pennsylvania life and people enjoyed them.
    It encouraged me to take photos and develop my photographer’s eye.
    Too much of a good thing is not good, I became terribly addicted to Xanga.
    I did a post about Blog Addiction

    I generally made about 90-100 comments a day for three-four years,
    I was on xanga for hours at a time.
    there were a few years on Xanga when you could not go anywhere
    without seeing my comments,
    I was all over this site at any hour of the day or night.
    It was out of hand and I finally went to counseling for a few months for my addiction to Xanga
    and put some boundaries in place .

    I then narrowed my Xanga time down to a few hrs in the evening
    and about 50 comments a day.
    I was still addicted but tried to keep it under control.
    Two yrs ago I was diagnosed with diabetes
    and I had to change my lifestyle as I knew it.
    I limited my computer time to an hour a day
    I got off my ass and got moving.
    got a stepper, hand weights and a bicycle,
    I cut out sugar and pasta and cut down on carbs
    Now I have my blood sugar under control am working towards a goal weight
    I got off the diabetes med and feel a lot better.

    I wasn’t willing to give Xanga up because I love this community
    and all my friends here but I did have to step back
    in order to make changes in my lifestyle to be healthy.

    I hope Xanga is around for years to come,
    I want it to be a part of my healthy life.

    Have you ever been addicted to Xanga, Facebook or the internet?

  • Xanga Memoirs:How I Found Xanga

     In 2005 a friend of mine sent me a link to her blog EmAndMsFamily
    on Xanga so I could see photos of her new baby on her recent post.
    I joined to comment but did not blog because I was a little overwhelmed by it all.
    I was not computer savvy, the only experience I had online had been ebay.
    My friend and her sister-in-law Alicia @Rapunzel79 (who is one of my best friends)
    figured out my password and hacked my site to customize it for me,
    thinking that if it looked user friendly it might be easier for me to start using it.
    They were right , I did start blogging
    and so my journey with Xanga began.
    I did not know what they did until I helped my uncle open a Xanga site
    and saw the plain homepage, I said to him “Man, I must be losing my mind,
    I do not remember my page ever looking like this.”
    I told Alicia about that and she fessed up.

    I needed a social and creative outlet and Xanga provided that opportunity for me.
    At first I only commented on the sites of people that I knew,
    there were a lot from our youth group and local church community.
    I was always so excited to find someone that I knew!
    I eventually branched out after checking out the front page.
    @thetheologianscafe had a contest for the best content on Xanga
    and I visited all the sites nominated,
    that is when I met @Donkey_Guy_10  and Den of Fools!
    I found a second family through @Dingdongdingbat
    and as I continued to blog and explore the Xanga community
    I found some of the best friends that I have ever known!

    How did you find Xanga?

  • Oh Xanga (Repost)

    I posted this  before and I wanted to say it again,
    I love You.

    How you have enriched my life!
    I have been sharing my daily life on here since 2006.
    You have provided a place for me to share my pictures, stories,
    thoughts and emotions, struggles and joys…my life.
    I have become a better photographer because of you,
    wanting to show you my world.
    You helped me to see myself in a different way
    I used to hear the records of the past in my head, that song told me
    that no one cared whether I was around or not
    but you told me you cared in a way that I could believe,
    you made me feel wanted.
    You actually made an effort to come see what I posted
    and have given me many comments, recs and kind messages.
    You were there at 2 in the morning when I pulsed asking if anyone wanted to talk.
    You give back to me, you make me laugh,
    you have made me cry tears of joy and sorrow
    and you have pushed me outward in thought, reasoning and understanding.
    You are a place of support, entertainment and encouragement.
    You have been stressful, touchy and mean here and there
    but I try to learn from those times.
    Maybe now would be the time to complain about all the drama
    but I think it is more beneficial to tell you how you bless me.
    Through some of that drama you have taught me more temperance
    than one would think a blog could,
    some of that came from seeing how others
    have handled themselves in trying situations
     and some from not replying to snippy/mean comments
    in the same way they were made.
    You gave me a few of my very best friends and you gave me a second family.
    You connected me with some wonderful people, a few who have changed my life.
    You brought the world to me and showed me how other people think.
    One can read a newspaper or watch the news but reading opinions
    and ideas posted in the daily blogs of people around the world
    gives one more of a front row seat of what is going on;
    not just in one’s hometown, state or country but globally.
    I have been exposed to more culture, human sexuality, theology,
    people of different  religions and lifestyles, philosophy
    and poetry in the last five years than I had in my whole lifetime.
    I guess you could say you have taught me much
    about the human condition.

    You give me something to look forward to daily,
    a place to belong .
    Thank you.
    I love you!

    This is what I wanted to say today,
    tomorrow I will begin a series of Xanga Memoirs.

  • Swinging Pics

    These were all taken with my phone , edited with Pixlr-O-matic

    You can tell, I spend a lot of time pushing kids on swings.